What they are entirely comfortable with, however, is creating another memorable guest star in the shape of Professor Nakayama, an evil scientist in the making who's both cripplingly aware of his own shortcomings and woefully unprepared for the task of world domination he's given himself. EG YouTube man Ian Higton presents a quick look at the Hammerlock DLC after grinding to level 30 in three days in preparation. With the neo-Victorian figure of Sir Hammerlock to serve as your way into the adventure, it's a promising set-up with which to parody colonialism's warped view of the world - but it never feels like the developers are entirely comfortable with the conceit, or particularly sure where they should be going with it. Maps are huge and craggy and distinct from anything else you'll have seen in the game, which feels great, and they're filled with groups of spear-wielding "Savages", which feels kind of awkward.

Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt shifts the focus somewhat, however, packing you off to a new area called Aegrus to take apart the local wildlife as noisily and destructively as possible.Īegrus is based on Africa, by the looks of things - or rather it's based on the American media's concept of Africa, which means that what you end up with is a cross between a safari park, King Kong's Skull Island and something that resembles the interior of an airport terminal's most misjudged theme restaurant. A central element of Borderlands is the broad, scattershot riffs the whole thing offers on the lunatic excesses of American culture. None of which is to say there isn't room for a little experimentation beyond the blood-splattered confines of that lab, of course. Keep churning out new continents to add to this dusty, extravagantly devastated world, and keep stocking them with loot chests, Eridium drops, and, well, mission objectives like Find creature lab. Keep sending me up against monster-of-the-week bosses and the deranged lunatics that created them.

Keep throwing me into weird DLC offshoots where Pandora becomes home to buccaneers, professional wrestlers and armour-plated Bullymongs.